Hi. My name is Deas Plant. I created this site to help people who want to help themselves. More and more people are looking for answers outside of the medical profession and orthodox religion. Their reasons for searching are many and varied as are the questions that they are asking and the experiences that lead them to start searching in the first place. 
There is no single answer that will cover all seekers or answer all questions. What is available is a tremendous wealth of information and experience through which each person is able to search and hopefully find what they are looking for. Ever more people are turning to the Internet or World Wide Web in the hope of finding at least some of their answers. For whatever it might be worth, here is my contribution to the wealth of knowledge which is becoming increasingly more available  through this wonderful resource.
This site has a number of pages containing various thoughts and ideas that many people have found helpful over the years. All are simple and easy to understand although some may require a little work and dedication to actually get them working in your life if that is what you choose to do. For instance, the pages about personal responsibility and emotional pain release (The Bottom Line.) can be a little challenging or confronting. Please don't let this frighten you off reading them. You will never, never know if you never, never go. Or, take the scientific approach --- suck it and see. You may very well find exactly what you are looking for, or at least part of it.
By far the most important discovery that I have made in my life has been the value of love as a source of healing, growth and inspiration. Unconditional love is the ultimate goal in our growth and development. When we have achieved that, we will be able to literally perform miracles.  
If what you read on this site interests you, please check back from time to time as I add more. You may find another jewel to take with you and perhaps share with others that you meet on your journey. There are also a number of links (being added to all the time) to other sites which have related subject matter. 
About the book.
About the author.
The rules for being human.
The Pain Release Pages.
Personal responsibilty.
Quotes and links.
email me
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Love is a verb.
Links 2.
Why This Site Exists.t
Space to grow.
Other pages on this site.t